"Our Vacation Home is Your Vacation Home!" 

Our Vacation Home
The Quick and Easy template pages are designed to help you get a site up and running quickly. Generally, one of the first problems is getting the graphics for a site, including the header graphic. Using this page you can by pass that step by use the Page Builder Blocks at the top of this page as a substitute for a header graphic. You would have the option of putting a small logo in the upper left hand corner. Generally it is easy to get a small logo to start.
You may have to edit the global information to remove the company name. These Quick and Easy Pages are great for getting a site up and running. They do have a short coming however. When using this page, you will likely not use the feature of putting header information in the Global Information such as a header name or a graphic. That means you will have to create the header information on each page. Also, the system generated pages such as the bulletin board, the calendar, the order form, etc. use the header information in the global information. If those features have been overridden, they will not appear on those pages. You will need to make the decision. Regardless, these Quick and Easy pages will allow you to get good looking pages up and running in a hurry.