21 Day Web Master Training
Thank you for participating in the EZWebSz - 21 DAY WEBMASTER TRAINING. For the next three weeks, course participants will be learning about a unique online system and training program designed to help you get the most out of your Internet Experience.
The intent of this e-course is to provide you with access to a fully integrated, feature rich website. You will be taught online marketing strategies and the "ins-and-outs" of a powerful online system that saves you time and money, and can transact business on the Internet.
This is a non-technical course. An opportunity to gain executive knowledge on WEBSITE MASTERY, E-COMMERCE, and WEB SITE PROMOTION. This course uses a Fully Integrated E-Commerce Website for your hands-on training, accessible from anywhere you have full browser access to the World Wide Web.
Knowledge like this is worth thousands of dollars and years of benefit. With convenient access and power of these web sites to execute the right plan immediately, a savvy entrepreneur could generate hundreds of thousands of dollars, maybe millions! Its happened before, its happening now, and it will happen FOR THOSE WHO KNOW HOW.
THIS COURSE SHOW YOU HOW to setup, operate and update a professional e-commerce website (DESIGNED TO MAKE MONEY) with training (DESIGNED TO SAVE MONEY).
Ultimately the design and success of your website is up to you. This training will provide functional design advice, and provide tips on effective Internet marketing and other advice. Corresponding to features in this powerful website (with hundreds of programs), this training provides complementary information and ideas for execution of that section. You may learn things you never would have thought.
Instead of hiring high priced programmers, consider how much money YOU WILL SAVE when you create and operate this SEAMLESSLY INTEGRATED E-COMMERCE WEBSITE on your own. Or put your project in the hands of a trusted assistant. Train several staff members so you have a backup, or let each contribute to a section of your website in a team approach. Even train personnel thousands of miles away. (I also offer multiple student discounts.)
YES! Its that Easy! ...And Effective!
HANDS-ON TRAINING with ON-HAND INFORMATION allows your business to participate in a cyber universe that is literally wrapping our planet. It is estimated that the Internet will have 1 Billion subcribers by year 2008. This is your chance to get a head start in a cyber-universe that is literally wrapping our planet and radically changing the way we interact and do business.
This system lets you to focus on your business as you progress, and offer functional advise and tips on web development, feature utilization and Internet application.
As you learn, your website design will evolve right on the Internet. Create and fine tune your design at will. When your website is ready, use site promotion tools to register your pages with the top 10 search engines (and more). Use the built-in link trading tool to automate link trade requests with other web sites. I will present many ways to draw visitors to your website. You will learn more as you progress in this course.
You will be able to offer an event calendar to inform visitors of website specials. And let your customers share information and praise using the moderated bulletin board (means you approve the message postings).
If you have a large inventory, you could provide a search capable catalog to help your customers shop online from you, and manage their purchase with integrated shopping cart and ordering system.
Use the opt-in mailing list so your visitors can get more information (like you did to get these free lessons). Then use the built-in bulk mail system to inform your customers and prospects of new products or services. Remind you customers of your website and give them reason to return.
You dont have to be a computer specialist to create and operate a money making website. Integration and ease-of-use allow even a computer novice to master this system, and execute transactions like a pro. Create your website, select your marketing channels, and do business with your website visitors by accepting credit cards.
Internet marketing expert reports that accepting credit card increases sales 400%. Thats right only 20% of sales are made by a payment method other than credit card. Accounting for 80% of Internet transactions, credit cards are essentially the currency of the Web. Other sources report that accepting credit cards have increased sales as much as 1500%. Results will vary, but you if you cant accept credit cards, you will be closed to the preferred method of Internet payment.
This website performs credit card purchases using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and (3-Way Encryption) so your customers (and you) can purchase securely and with confidence. E-Commerce provides convenience and increases impulse sales. Unless you are accepting credit cards online, you are loosing the majority of sales opportunities to someone else.
If you already have a local merchant account (an account that allows your business to accept credit cards), you could start taking orders on the secure server almost immediately. (The course gets to e-commerce in Lesson 5.) If you dont have a merchant account or would like more information on an Internet Merchant Account, go to http://www.ezwebsz.com/21mercha.html for more information.
With this system, you can accept and validate credit cards in real time or accept the credit card information for manual order retrieval.
Real Time
This Internet Merchant Account allows this website to securely validate and accept credit cards on the Internet in real time (at the time your online visitor makes the purchase from your website). When a visitor makes a purchase using the real time method, the credit card is validated using Authorize Net to verify and authorize the transaction. Upon authorization, the visitors credit card account is charged at time of purchase.
Order Retrieval
The Order Retrieval method allows you to accept credit cards and order information for manual retrieval. When you receive an order on your website, you will receive e-mail notification of the online purchase. You then retrieve the order and process the credit card through your usual method. This could be used with an existing local merchant account (if you are not restricted by you current merchant account). If you have an Internet Merchant Account you could link your website to your Internet Merchant Account website and directly validate and charge credit cards given by fax, over the phone, or in person. For more information go to http://www.ezwebsz.com/21mercha.html
Unlike most solutions, EZWebSz provides a FULLY INTEGRATED, EASY-TO-USE HOSTWARE SYSTEM where even a novice can setup and administer an E-COMMERCE WEBSITE without having to learn a computer language or database programming. This system ALLOWS YOU TO FOCUS ON YOUR WEBSITE MISSION and PRACTICE INTERNET TECHNIQUES PROVEN TO WORK.
Signing up for this course demonstrates that you already possess the skills necessary to learn this system. Integration allows you to learn e-commerce, and operate an e-business economically and effectively.
Add your creativity, service, merchandise, GOALS, ASPIRATIONS, as you GAIN VALUABLE WEB MASTER SKILLS in upcoming lessons. This training program will show you ways to INTRODUCE YOUR BUSINESS, PRODUCTS, STYLE and IDEAS TO THE WORLD.
The Internet is a virtual world built for efficiency, service and opportunity. EXPERIENCE WAYS to SEIZE TODAYS OPPORTUNITIES on a PROFESSIONAL INTEGRATED COMMERCIAL WEBSITE, without stretching your budget.
BRING YOUR DREAM TO LIFE on the Internet, quickly, easily and affordably.
Course Overview
With a single user interface (Internet browser v.4 or greater), you command a powerful integrated website system using simple point-and-click controls. Basically, once youve learned how to operate one part of the system (point, click, enter text), you automatically will know how to operate other features (point, click, enter text).
I will not waste your time telling you to enter your name in the name field or similarly obvious procedures. Often the system itself guides you through an intuitive setup process. Plus the online help and the Users Manual are available for specific information. If you need addition help, Tech Support is also available by phone or email.
Since the system setup is intuitive and step by step, there is little need to provide schooling in the obvious procedural sense. Instead the 21 Day Email Guide will provide ON-HAND ADVICE on issues regarding the lesson of the day. The advice could be specific, like what you might enter in a form field to get a desired results. Or at a higher level, like: How you can exploit an array of features to maximize return on your advertising budget.
You will have full reign over your website. If you already have an Internet Merchant Account (or a local merchant account that doesnt restrict online transactions), you could take credit cards online the first day. But until your website design and purpose is established, that would not make much sense except for testing purposes.
There is a Profitable Side of the Internet. With your permission, I will introduce you to this side and help you Get It Right The First Time.
Logging into Your System
After you purchase the course, a user name and password will be emailed to you with instructions on where and how to log into your website. After you log into the website, a setup wizard (software to guide initial setup), will lead you through a simple setup process. Once you've accomplished initial setup, the "Member Tools" (Main Menu) will appear.
Member Tools (Main Menu)
When you login next time (assuming you've completed initial setup), you will go directly to the "Member Tools", also referred to as the "Main Menu" (Throughout the system there are return links labeled "Main Menu" that will bring you back to "Member Tools" page.)
The Member Tools provides top level access to your tool groups:
Each section contains a list box of top level tools, links to Internet reference sites, and a text and button link to online help. At the top of the "Main Menu", there are hyper-links to the Users Manual and Tech Support.
To operate the tools in the list box,
I will cover the details of the tools as they become pertinent to the particular subject of the day. If you want to do research on your own (recommended), you can access the online Help or Users Manual for additional information.
Administrative Tools
Administrative Tools provide access mostly to website setup information and operational tools for retrieving orders, checking statistics, sending bulk email, reading online email, and other controls. Today we will cover Edit Member Profile and View Web Page.
Construction Tools
These are the tools for creating web pages, setting up your catalog, order form, calendar, bulletin board, mailing list, statistical counters, and other features of your website. Today we will cover Edit Global Information and take our first look at EZ-Page Builder.
Promotion Tools
These features help you submit your web pages to popular search engines, and to initiate link trades with other web sites. These features come into play after youve created your website.
Online Help
When I worked as IT Manager, I was the source of information for a wide variety of software, systems, networks and office technology for serveral diverse corporations and a handful of branch and office locations. Often, I would be approached by the people working on a variety of diverse systems to answer advanced questions by the person who works on a particular esoteric system.
Since the question is stumping the person dedicated to that system. I am regularly asked advanced questions and expected to provide quick resolution and impromptu solution for things I may have had minimal, if any, involvement.
My approach was simple. I would ask a few preliminary questions like, "What is this supposed to do?". Then I would reach into a respectable body of experience to resolve the problem. Sometimes my experience suggests going to "Help" for quick information. I usually orchestrate this process a bit to by asking the computer operator for the location of 'Help'.
I then let them watch me research and discovery the answers to the question and ultimately answer their question using the help system. After a few times, seeing how easily impromptu solutions and advise can be obtained by simple research, the operators begin to follow my example. Soon the computer operators become more effective and efficient, and the number of support calls drop dramatically.
I highly recommend using the online help system to for quick answers. Research skills are valuable, particular on the Internet. If you would like to learn more about a particular area, click on the buttons marked "help" or "?", for more help.
Users Manual
The Users Manual is a great resource of website information. You can go to the online Users Manual by clicking on the upper left hyper-link (just above Administrative Tools) You can search the Users Manual using the Table of Contents hyper-link, the Index (search) hyper-link, and a variety of descriptive hyper-links.
Some pages have a diagram (graphic) of the system menus. Click on the graphic item and specific help appears for that item. The first page of the Users Manual has such a diagram about two-thirds down the pages. Click on "Go" in the Administrative Tools, Construction Tools, or Promotion Tools to see how this works. Below the graphics, there are text hyper to these areas as well.
I suggest you take some time to check out the online manual early in your training. The sooner you are familiar with the online manual, the sooner you will realize its benefits during the training.
Download Users Manual
There is downloadable version of the manual, which can be downloaded for local access by clicking on "Download Users Manual" beneath the "Member Tools" title. Follow the 3 steps for downloading the Instruction Manual. If you dont have Adobe Acrobat Reader, or would like to download the latest version, Step 2 provides a link for downloading the reader. The manual is stored in the Portable Document Format (*.pdf). Adobe Acrobat Reader allows you to read the Portable Document Format (PDF).
Hyper-link navigation is available only in the online version of the manual.
In the upper right, a hyper-link leads you to technical support. This is where you will find telephone and email information and instructions for contacting technical support by either phone or email.
Edit Member Profile
During your first login, the setup wizard prompted you for information (like your company name, address, email, phone numbers and such). The information you entered appears under "Administrative Tools" in "Edit Member Profile". You can enter "Edit Member Profile" to view or change your profile information.
Edit Global Information
Tip: If you are good with graphic tools (like Microsoft Image Composer or Ulead Photo Impact) you might want to create a simple logo for practice purposes. Or how about asking a local business owner to try their logo on your website to see how it might look. This could generate some interest in your website, maybe enough to for that business to consider getting the website for themselves, while you earn income for the referral under my affiliate program. This is one approach for generating a potential source of income. You could even offer occassional updates or monthly service to your "client".
If you've made changes in Edit Global Configuration, make sure to click on "Submit" to save your changes. After you've done some web page setup, try coming back to Edit Global Configuration to see how changes to global information effect the presentation of your web pages.
Creating Your First Web Page
Once you are in EZ-Page Builder, you should be presented with a page with setup instructions. Follow the instructions given on the screen. Start out with a 'Title Block' for your page.
Hint: Practice using the online manual to research block features. Open a second browser window, log in to your website "Member Tools" on the second browser also. Access your online manual from the other browser, the editing tools from the first browser, and this information in another browser. Use the Alt-Tab keys to rotate between these windows. (Check you computer manual for more information on Alt-Tab).
Tomorrow: Domain Names
"We are at the beginning of a new way of working, shopping, playing and communicating."
- Newsweek
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