What is a Domain Name?
A domain name is a registered identification that provides routing to an numeric Internet address (location). Computers use a grouping of numbers (example: to access an Internet address (numeric location).
A problem with using numeric addresses is that people are not good at remembering numbers. To bridge the gap between humans and computers, domain registration was instituted to allow people to register a domain name with a central computer that serves as a domain name host. So when a person enters a registered domain name (example: www.ezwebsz.com) in their browser and presses enter, the browser goes to the domain name host (the central computer), which directs the browser to the website address.
Why Register a Domain Name?
Once a domain name is registered and bound to a website, visitors on the Internet can type the domain name into the Address field of their browser (instead of the numeric address) to gain access to that website. If you have a memorable domain name you have an advantage of consumer "top of the head" recognition. Many of The Best Domain Names Are Already Gone. Register a "good" domain name before someone else does. The domain name is essentially your Internet Trademark. Provide an easy to recognize name that gives you the edge.
Where to register your Domain Name
Registration can be performed through Network Solutions (www.networksolutions.com). On the Member Tools Menu (Main Menu), under "Administrative Tools", there is a drop down list item called "Register Domain Name" to assist you with domain name registration.
When to Register!
As soon as you have the idea for your domain name. But dont wait too long. You dont want to miss out on an effective domain name. Register your domain name before it is gone.
How to Register!
In the Member Tools Menu (Main Menu). Select "Register Domain Name" in the "Administrative Tools" drop down list. This takes you through a step by step process to register your website with Network Solutions. This procedure also verifies if your domain name has been taken. Even if you have not yet decided on a domain name for your online business, you should go through a mock registration process, so you will be familiar with the easy setup process once you are ready with a domain name.
Once youve registered your domain name, contact support@eznettools.net to inform them of your registration. Tech support will then finalize the registration process.
How Much is Domain Name Registration?
At Network Solutions (www.networksolutions.com) domain name registration costs $35/year.
Fresh Lemonade?
Here is an example site that demonstrates the web building power of this system. Since we will be covering EZ-Page Builder tomorrow, you might be pleased to know that our example site was built with EZ-Page Builder. Check it out for some refreshing ideas. Worth looking at before tomorrows training. Example Website: www.lemontime.com
Tomorrow: Building Feature Rich Web Pages
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