Daniel Szeremet, 26806 Claudette Street #322, Santa Clarita, CA 91351 Office: (661) 250-3677, Cell: (661) 904-0925
Owner, EZ-Net Systems, 2000 – Present
Director of Operations, Vital Health Care, , 1996 -
Network Engineer/Instructor, 1995 - 1996
Consultant, Mitratech, 1993 – 1995
Systems Engineer, Teledyne Controls, 1988 – 1992
Test Engineer/System Engineer, Dynamic Sciences 1981
- 1988
Service Manager, Electronics Services Company, 1980
– 1981
Field Engineer, Raytheon, 1978 - 1980
Senior Engineering Technician, Teledyne Systems
Company, 1977 – 1978
Tactical Command Center Repair, Sergeant-US Marine Corps, 1974 - 1977
Electrical Engineering, California State University,
1989 AS-Mathematics (w/Honors), College of the Canyons,
1987 Multi-Platform Network Engineering Certificate,
Advanced Career Center, 1995 Fundamentals of Digital Logic, Marine Corps
Institute, 1976 Electronics/Computer Repair, USMC Communication &
Electronic Schools, 1975 Total Data Processing Certificate, MBTI, 1974 Mechanical Engineering, Milwaukee School of
Engineering, 1973
Dot-Com Solutions Certificate, (6 months), Sandy, UT - 2000 TDHS Advanced Cost Reporting Certification, PHC,
CBA, Austin TX - 1999
TDHS Basic Cost Reporting Certification, PHC, CBA,
CLASS, TX - 1998, 1999
Medicare Interim Payment System, PGBA, HCFA - 1998
Human Resource Law, (24 hrs), San Antonio, TX - 1997
Labor Law, (24 hrs), Weslaco, TX - 1996
Medicare Cost Report Preparation, (24 hrs) San
Francisco, CA - 1996
Certified Instructor (Computer Science), State of
California - 1995-98
Legal Case Management Systems, Mitratech, Los
Angeles, CA. 1993-95
Asynchronous and Synchronous Communications (40 hrs),
Raytheon, 1979
Computer Field Service Repair (200 hrs), Raytheon,
Bank of America |
Auto Club of Southern California |
Prentice Hall |
Foster Wheeler |
British Airways |
Union Camp |
Stanley Tool |
San Miguel |
Home Savings of America |
Litton Guidance & Controls |
Blue Cross of California |
Litton Canada |
Dynamic Sciences |
New Mexico Water & Power |
Raytheon |
The Prudential Insurance Company |
Teledyne Systems |
Hon Industries |
Teledyne Controls |
United Airlines |
Farmers Insurance |
Delta Airlines |
AT&T |
Scandinavian Air System |
Necochea (Mexico) |
Malasian Airlines |
Vencor |
Mitsubishi International |
Mitratech |
Jet Propulsion Laboratories |
United State Marine Corps |