This is Danny. He loves his guitar and what they can do together.
If you enjoy beautiful finger picking, and a voice that carries a message, you will remember Danny Szeremet.
(The name - It's really not that hard.)
Notice the golden bow on Danny's guitar.
Danny placed that bow on his guitar in November, 1994.
That bow commemorates the most powerful event Danny had ever experienced in his life.
A moment of Enlightenment, Warmth, Clarity, Love, Forgiveness, and so... much... more.
It was a moment of transformation, where sorrow became gratitude, fear became Love, and understanding became knowledge at a level deeper than Danny had known in his entire life, a much deeper level.
In that moment, Danny Szeremet was forever changed.
His world also changed, smiling on him with the face of every person he encountered.
Raises, job offers, new and interesting assignments involving travel and adventure were suddenly given him.
And the mind blowing synchronicities that followed would have been unbelievable, if not for the fact they actually happened!
If you attend Danny's Keynote Concert or listen to just two of Danny's song's, you will clearly hear, in a real and honest manner, WHAT propelled him to enlightenment, and HOW he connected with Divinity.
Literally (and musically) Danny created in two songs, a personal old testiment and a personal new testiment that reveals a profound change in a man who sought Truth and found it.
Here is how it began:
At age 14, Danny Szeremet marched into a downtown pawnshop in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to buy a guitar.
He left with a guitar he had successfully negotiated from the price of $30 down to $23.62 (which coincidently was the exact amount the young teen had.)
Satisfied with his "prowess" in bargaining, Danny began to develop his prowess on guitar, learning from music books and albums, the songs of Paul Simon (Simon & Garfunkel), Cat Steven, the late Jim Croce, the late Harry Chapin, Don McClean, John Denver, Seals snd Croft and others of that genre.
Danny loved their mastery of guitar and sought to play their songs with the same precision and style.
Danny was drawn to lyrics with depth and meaning. He was seeking answers and Truth.
As a foster child, Danny was with his first and final family. He wrote a very a special song for Grandma Falk, she saved his life.
Danny wanted to thank her, for helping him heal and for loving him in her way.
Danny had already been entangled in other families with differen outlooks. He was confused and lost. He needed her hugs.
Once Danny acheived proficiency, he started writing and performing.
He performed at high school, at church, at a neighborhood coffee shop, and parties, singing songs that matched his voice and sounded good on the guitar he 'stole' for $23.62.
At age 19, Danny marched into the Marine Corps. But before he did, something incredible happened.
Days before his departure, Danny was approached by girl he knew only by casual greeting when they passed.
She handed him a picture frame displaying lyrics to a song she wrote just for him. It was decorated, even had a wax seal.
He wouldn't have believed it, but her lyrics matched his life in that moment.
Wow! Danny was blown away.
It was a very special gift. Still is!
Can you Imagine how you would feel if you received a custom song?
Or better!
Give a custom song to someone special, and watch their eyes light up! That's a memory you remember forever. I know.
It was a beautiful send off that still touches Danny ever so deeply, even today.
In the Marine Corps, Danny thrived. He graduated first in his class, and was given choice of duty station. He chose Southern California.
In the Corps, Danny received a Letter of Commendation, Meritorious and rapid promotion, rising from Private to Sergeant in two years of his three year term. Typically this rank takes more than one term to acheive.
During his service, Danny continued writing, and performing at local coffee shops, bars, the Orange County Fair, The Bob Hope USO in Hollywood, The San Francisco USO, now playing on a better guitar purchased from a fellow Marine.
They wrote two songs together.
Everytime he plays those songs, Danny thinks of Scott with gratitude.
Danny submitted one of his own songs to The American Song Festival in Hollywood and ranked in the Top 4% in the international competion. "A strong and proven song", the letter states.
Years later, that song won the hear of some one special. She told him when she heard that song, she knew he was the one. Danny and Rose have been together 30 years as of this writing.
That's the power of a good song.
After a performance at the world famous Palamino Club in North Hollywood, Danny was approached by a music executive who requested to take two songs to Nashville.
One song was written with Sgt. Scott. The other was a song he wrote for a close Marine Corps buddy Les Chaplin. They are still closest of friends today.
Despite the offer to pitch his music in Nashville. Danny wasn't ready in any legal or business sense, to send his music to the other side of the country. So he did not proceed with the offer. Not ready yet.
One piece of advice Danny received from that music executive was to "keep writing". Which Danny did.
Danny also wrote a Custom Song celebrating the volunteers at the Bob Hope USO, and performed it live before a celebrity audience.
Danny's picture with article appeared on the cover of the El Toro MCAS weekly newspaper, The Flight Jacket, covering that event. Danny was then invited to perform on base as well.
The USO offered to send Danny's picture to the Los Angeles Times and Milwaukee Journal. At the time, Danny was still confused about his purpose and worth, and declined something he actually wanted. Mistake noted.
Danny returned to civilian life and settled in Southern California. He built a career growing from Technician to Systems Engineer to Director of Operations, attending college at nights to earn a Science Degree in Mathematics.
Kind of a nerd in some ways. Aren't we all?
Danny continued to write songs. He spoke and sang at corporate events, coffee shops, stadiums, seminars and private VIP events in Beverly Hills, Las Vegas, Manilla, Philipines, and his current city of Santa Clarita.
Danny has performed on dozens of stages, and typically has been asked for repeat engagements, and to perform at larger venues.
Danny has appeared before more than 10,000 audience members, not including television appearances broadcasted from Hollywood and Manilla, Philippines.
Danny has been approached several more times, by executives in movie and entertainment.
Danny is very busy and pragmatic. He satisfies commitments to self and others. He experience life in his own way, and shares his results.
He is fulfilling a higher purpose.
Danny has documented his experience through music, so he can share what he has learned, openly and honestly.
Listen with an open heart and you will understand, maybe even realize your awakening sooner. It's a much better ride after you ascend in consciousness.
Danny knows a new reality. If you are looking for him, you will often find him at the deep end of the pool.
Danny is worth following and listenimg.
After that Grand Awakening, Danny followed the path, and did the work.
He studied spiritual teachings and tenents, philosophies, modern physic and contemporary authors and teachers of all sorts, to validate his experience. and to understand the realities he discovered in that moment and the miracles that followed.
I told you he was a nerd.
It is not possible to explain a quarter century of near daily research in this small glimpse of Danny's life.
Danny does speaking engagements to explain the connections he's made. Go to one of his talks and see how he explains the upper dimensions of life in a simple, elegant manner you won't forget.
Listen to the songs Danny has written. Songs that lifted him from sorrow to salvation. And many others that speak to the moments of a man who found his mission.
There is more than one step along the path. Danny offers inspiration and direction. Even as he is taking the next step right now.
Sign up now. We can do this togethet.
With two songs it IS possible to be moved in a very real way, from the same old story, to a whole new song.
Listen for yourself.