Danny's Music Bio

Custom Songwriter
Danny Szeremet


Danny has spoken and performed before more than 10,000 audience members on dozens of stages, including performances at USO events, the Orange County Fair, and corporate events from Beverly Hills to Manila. His original songs have attracted the interest of music, movie and entertainment executives and recognition from industry professionals.


With an acoustic style of Paul Simon, Cat Steven, the Late John Denver, others, Danny’s guitar rings with a softness that can sooth the soul, and thunders with a passion that lifts the spirit. His lyrics describe life in a personal and intimate way, in a spirit of giving and sharing what he has discovered in the process of living and writing. Many of his songs are gifts, dedicated to others special to him. That’s what he does.


One year, Danny gave myself a gift. In the process of creating a song for someone, Danny followed a path that led him to his own pain. He knew he needed to be there, so he dove deeper and discovered greater sorrow. Then he got stuck!... Until he did one thing! The rest was no less than a miracle! To the amazement of family and friends, Danny wrote a new life, a new song, a new personal testament, an anthem! And he is sharing what he’s learned.

Listen for yourself.

Custom Songwriter
Danny Szeremet

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