Increase the Power of Your Website
By Up to 350 Times, Using Technology and Insider
Secrets Unknown to Most "Experts"

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Have you ever wanted a quick and easy solution that could create the miracles and magic that you want? Now you can discover a revolutionary way to produce sensational results - FREE! Introducing a remarkable Web site system with all the pieces to the Internet "puzzle". Suddenly your Web site can be amazing!

Over 350 Fully Integrated Programs
Point-and-Click Technology Throughout
No Hardware or Software to Buy
Built-In Help System
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"For some time, I have been trying to establish a business Web site for my medical and surgical practice. I had previously hired an outside Web development company to design one for me. The main drawback was that any time I wanted to add additional changes or modify graphics, I had to have that done for me. Deciding to sign up with your company was a significant step in the right direction for me. After spending only 1 or 2 hours with a knowledgeable representative, I was able to design and input Web pages into my Web site with relative ease. And all without having to learn HTML. I actually look forward now to maintaining and adding to my Web site on a regular basis. I would highly recommend this service to anyone looking to establish a personal or business Web site."

Dr. Bruce T.

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"I would like to thank you for assisting our company in developing our Web site and for the continued support with upgrading. We have been seeing a steady increase in the number of daily hits and, even more important, in the amount of time each person is spending on our site. We have a growing e-mail list requesting updates and catalog information. We will now begin a mail order catalog to complement our Web site. Your company takes the time and effort to assist a novice. Thank you."

Roger F.

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"At last I found your company! From the start, I was impressed by your enthusiastic, friendly, and welcoming approach. You introduced me to the excellent concept of "hostware." Hostware enabled me to set up an order form in a matter of minutes, and your team helped me tailor the system to the exact requirements of a British company. This you did with unfailing professionalism and good humor.

Great Service, thank you!"
Allan K.

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EZ-Net Systems™ Offers EZ-Net Tools™
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From: Daniel Szeremet
August 20, 2001

Dear Friend,

You may already be wasting your money on the Internet.

Frankly I am shocked at the current situation of many Web sites. Business people have been shelling out hundreds, even thousands of dollars to receive little more than Web pages.

That's the reason I created this website. You're about to discover secrets to increasing the power of you website by up to 350 TIMES! Now significantly leverage your Internet investment.

Before you commit any money, consider what your customers want:

Customers Want Service!

Smart companies already know this. That's why millions flock to their websites. Now you can provide eloquent and quality services that today's visitors expect.

EZ-Net Systems™ Provides Service to Your Customers

 Searchable Catalog 
 Website Search 
 Bulletin Board 
 User Unsubscribe 
 Secure Server 
 Clustered Servers 
 Generator Backup 
   Business Directory 
 Shopping Cart 
 Event Calendar 
 Automated Forms 
 3-Way Encryption 
 OC-12 Fiber Optics 
 Uptime at 99.9% 
   Dealer Locator 
 Order Buttons 
 Mail List Server 
 Order Processing 
 Global Information 
 Battery Backup 

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EZ-Net Systems™ Offers EZ-Net Advantage™
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1. Local Business 2. Global Market

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