Discover Active Website Services!
Get All the Pieces to the Internet "Puzzle"
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Have you ever wanted a quick and easy solution that could create the miracles, magic and results for your website? Now you can discover a revolutionary way to produce a sensational Web site - FREE!
Web Page Creation
Web Site Promotion
FREE Hosting

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Here's what others say...

"I would like to thank you for assisting our company in developing our Web site and for the continued support with upgrading. We have been seeing a steady increase in the number of daily hits and, even more important, in the amount of time each person is spending on our site. We have a growing e-mail list requesting updates and catalog information. We will now begin a mail order catalog to complement our Web site. Your company takes the time and effort to assist a novice. Thank you."

Roger F.

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"For some time, I have been trying to establish a business Web site for my medical and surgical practice. I had previously hired an outside Web development company to design one for me. The main drawback was that any time I wanted to add additional changes or modify graphics, I had to have that done for me. Deciding to sign up with your company was a significant step in the right direction for me. After spending only 1 or 2 hours with a knowledgeable representative, I was able to design and input Web pages into my Web site with relative ease. And all without having to learn HTML. I actually look forward now to maintaining and adding to my Web site on a regular basis. I would highly recommend this service to anyone looking to establish a personal or business Web site."

Dr. Bruce T.

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"At last I found your company! From the start, I was impressed by your enthusiastic, friendly, and welcoming approach. You introduced me to the excellent concept of "hostware." Hostware enabled me to set up an order form in a matter of minutes, and your team helped me tailor the system to the exact requirements of a British company. This you did with unfailing professionalism and good humor.

Great Service, thank you!"
Allan K.

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How would you like to bring your online community to life?
Join our mail list and receive FREE access to our online newsletter. Find out how you can:
  • Develop Your Website Image
  • Increase Website Traffic
  • Collect Feedback from Visitors
  • Target Your Market with Laser Precision
  • Cement Online Relationships
  • Encourage Sales at Your Site
  • Retain Internet Customers
  • Generate Repeat Sales
  • Create Online Alliances
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All information held strictly confidential.

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Enjoy the Freedom of Hostware

  • Author and modify content as often as you want without buying software
  • Offer unlimited items in your searchable catalog database
  • Build and service your valuable list of customers by their interests.
  • Let your community express their enthusiasm on your bulletin board.
  • Publish important dates, times and durations in automated event calendar.
  • Quickly direct visitors to dealers and affiliates in other states.
  • Provide online business directory, searchable by name, type and contact.
  • Protect your customers and you through secure servers transactions
  • Enter important contact information in one place to display on every page.
  • Upload and manage files without File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
  • Protect sensitive website pages file by username and password.
  • Automate Link Trades with other websites to increase website traffic.
  • Register with Top 10 Search Engines using built in tools.
  • Automatically process online orders and email confirmation to customers..
  • Securely retrieve orders to use your existing merchant account.
  • Use Internet merchant account to fully automate online transactions.
  • Manage New Orders, Existing Orders, Back Orders, and Archive
  • View Order Statistics and Customer Data Base by Specified Criteria.
  • Download Orders to your own database or accounting system
  • Statistical Hit Counters automatically placed on each page
  • View Statistical Hit Counter History by Month and Day.
  • 200 Email Accounts (Both POP 3 and Online Mail System).
  • Learn how to track leads to monitor your marketing efforts.
  • Acquire skills using with built-in help system and online manual.
  • Enjoy FREE Hosting when you subcribe to an EZ-Net Tools Account.
  • Benefit from FREE Tech Support by phone or email.
  • Learn insider tricks in FREE Online Newsletter published monthly.
  • Much more…

We could go on and on. Truth is... with upgrades and improvements occurring so often, it's difficult to keep up! By the time I spell out the latest benefits and features, even more improvements and upgrades are emerging. So you will have access to the latest version every time you login.

Here are 4 Ways to learn more about this amazing solution:

1. GOOD: Check out this website. Learn about our fully integrated technology, flexible service plans and industry experience. Be sure to click on "Sample Sites" to visit our model websites. See how our built-in technology is being used for car dealers, home improvement specialists, real estate agents, florists, professionals, health care and more.
2. BETTER: Join our mail list to receive EZ-Net Systems reports that share techniques on website design and successful Internet marketing. Learn from the experts and see how quickly and easily these proven methods can be implemented into your website. Get ideas that will work for you.
3. BEST: Try it! If you are ready to get started with a solid, proven system with more than 350 built-in ways to develop a successful website designed to make money, just click on free consultation, then fill out the simple contact form. And ask for our 10 DAY FREE TRIAL. YES! Please feel free to ask questions and add comments.
4. ULTIMATE: Let's Talk. With unlimited possibilities, you have many ways to go with your Internet solution. Some paths represent the "long way", while others offer the "fast way". Our goal is to find the right way for you. So let's talk and explore ways to make your online business a success! The first half hour of consultation is free!
Free Consultation

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Today's E-Book: "101 High Profit Businesses You Can Start Online With Little or NO Money". 101 of the best Internet marketing ideas, tips, and suggestions, including profit models, ideas for creating multiple streams of income, plus "golden nuggets" that will work in any business. ($20 Value!)
Join NOW - Receive FREE eBook (Limited Time Offer)
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1. Local Business 2. Global Market

Notice: We never rent or sell our members’ data to anyone.
All information held strictly confidential.

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We have a Service Plan to Meet the Needs of Your Business

No matter what your budget, we can tailor a service plan for you. Whether you do it yourself or call on us to to develop a website according to your specifications, our technology and experience guarantees Web site success. Developing a commercial website has never been easier.

Click Here to View Model Sites - Ideas for Your Website!

Note: You could become so intrigued with our model sites, it is possible you might not find your way back here. So make sure to join our mail list so our email system can guide you back. (This is also your chance to see how this feature could work for you.)

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Helping Businesses Win With the Web