Clear Your Mind for Something Wonderful...

Find fulfillment in the life you are meant to live.

Dear Friend,


Did you know that everyone of us has already been hypnotized. Everyday each of us will go into hypnotic trance. You may not realize it, but it's true! Hypnosis is a natural state of mind that each of us experiences every single day.

Have you ever found yourself engaged in a project, so focused with all your attention on the task at hand that time seemed to fly by? Have you ever tried to speak to somebody who was watching television and you had trouble getting his or her attention?

These are examples of the state of hypnosis, a natural state of mind where intense focus eliminates distractions from the external world, a state where your internal world expands... and the door to your unconscious opens wide.

The Conversational HypnotistEvery single day we are being hypnotized, in an avalanche of messages from radio, television, Internet, telephone, cellphones, smart phones, headphones, megaphones, even from our ring tones.

Before this becomes hop-hip (as mesmerizing as that can be) consider how often we are being bombarded with information, designed to... have an effect on you. Whether you know it or not, we are  constantly being programmed, consciously and unconsciously.

Now, you can take control of your awareness, care for your health and well being. Focus on your life. No hocus-pocus here. I use natural conversational hypnosis techniques. So I will concentrate on you, not some script. I invite you to experience the benefits of natural conversational hypnosis.

I will help you... be you.  - Danny Szeremet

Discover yourself... for yourself!

There are many ways that hypnosis can help you, in ways that you may not have even considered, until now. You can make important and lasting changes in your life. I'll show you.

I invite you to explore for yourself, how hypnosis can help you in your life to overcome obstacles and accomplish things that are important to you.

Take control of your life. Discover what you need to be successful. Fulfill your dreams, your goals. The power is already within you. Let me help you find the real you.


Danny Szeremet


Experience an Amazing Process that shows you

how to utilize the power WITHIN YOU.


Quit smoking effortlessly. Be free of smoking desires. Acquire more time. Save $1642.50/year*. Feel good about yourself. Become healthier, happier and more active.

Lose the weight you want. Look fit and trim. Feel better about yourself. Increase energy levels. Stay motivated indefinitely. Decrease health risks.

Dissolve stress. Experience tremendous calming effects with deep relaxation techniques. Enjoy overall life balance and a more healthy lifestyle.

Enhance your confidence and personal satisfaction. Develop stronger and more meaningful relationships. Unleash you full potential. Increase accomplishments.

Boost your productivity. Maximize talents and hidden abilities. Energize your life and career. Stay completely motivated. Achieve your highest goals.

Banish Insomnia. Enjoy natural restful sleep. Eliminate sleeping pills. End sleepless nights. Increase your energy. Increase your stamina. Sleep well.

                                     * (Assuming one pack a day habit at $4.50/pack = $1642.50/year.)


Overcome fears, put an end to unhealthy habits, accomplish your goals.

Danny Szeremet is a Certified Hypnotherapist and student of Ericksonian Hypnosis, a form of hypnosis developed by the legendary hypnotist, Milton Erickson, who introduced the practical and effective techniques of indirect hypnosis, and brought hypnosis from the dark ages into the modern world.

Under the tutelage and guidance of the internationally acclaimed hypnotists, Igor Ledochowski and Stephan Brooks, (with input from hypnosis masters such as Don Spencer, John Overdurf, Harry Nichols, Kevin Hogan and others), Danny continues to study and practice his form of conversational hypnosis.


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Copyright 2010 - Daniel Szeremet, Certified Hypnotherapist