Business Name Date:
Contact Name Telephone:
City: State: Zip:
Good Morning! My name is Daniel Szeremet. I am doing a survey on "E-Commerce and Businesses on the Internet". The purpose of my survey is to learn what business owners like yourself would want in their business website. When I am finished, I will be happy to share my results with you and to answere any questions that you might have. Do you have a few minutes?
If Answer - Yes Thank you, I appreciate, your time.
If No: I can understand this may not be a good time for you, when would be a better time to call back?
Very Good. I will put down in my calendar to call you on:
Don't Call Me: Thank you for your time. If you would like to learn more about "E-Commerce and Business on the Internet", you can go to (
1. If you had a business website that could do anything for you, what would that be?
2. Do you currently have a website for your business? Yes No
Good. I appreciate the voice of experience.
Good. This should provide a fresh perspective.
Which are the following CAPABILITIES would you like in your website?
Which of the following CAPABILITIES would you like in website?
3. To provide text and graphic information on your business?
4. To provide multiple email addresses to categorized communication?
How many email addresses would be adequate?
5. To provide a facility for customers and prospects to register themselves on your website to receive further information on your products or services?
6. To provide on online bulletin board for sharing of qualified information among peers.
7. To provide an automated calendar to keep visitors abreast of upcoming events or sales.
8. To provide an area where visitors can go to find a searchable list of your other branches or business locations.
9. A website that automatically makes a count of visitors to every page, and keeps a history of every counter, and reports the visit count for each page by month and day.
10. To provide a mass mailing feature to announce sales and promotions to existing customers and interested prospects.
11. To provide a catalog of items, which your customer can browse and search.
12. To provide a shopping cart feature to make purchasing convenient for your customers.
13. To provide online order forms for making secure purchases from your website, and automatically calculates sales tax, shipping method, and rates for UPS and Fedex.
14. To have a choice of automatic credit card authorization and transactions or to retrieve orders so you can use your existing merchant account.
15. To provide 3 way encryption so your customers order are secure, not only during their purchase, but also as the order is stored in the server, and retrieved by you.
Now lets move onto the somewhat INTANGIBLE items.
Which of the following would be important to you?
16. A website that includes daily data backup to protect your data.
17. A website that includes battery backup for short power outages.
18. A website that includes generator backup to maintain your website for longer power outages, even days.
19. A website that is monitored 24 hours a day to ensure optimal uptime.
20. A website that has multiple connections to the Internet, to stay online even if another connection goes down.
21. A website that uses multiple computers as your website server, to balance the workload, and maintain service even if one of the computers went down.
22. A system that will soon be upgraded to (OC12) fiber optic technology, so Internet communications will occur at the speed of light.
We are almost done with this survey. I appreciate your patience.
Lets move onto items of CAPACITY, which items would be of interest to you?
23. A website that provided an UNLIMITED number of web pages.
24. A website that provided UNLIMITED Catalog items.
25. A website that provided UNLIMITED transfers.
26. A website will host your domain name like at no additional cost.
27. A website that has built-in tools to promote your website to the Top 10 search engines, and more.
28. A website that allows you to request link exchanges and performs an automated follow-up of your request, and automatically sets up your links page.
29. A website that allows YOU to command, control, and program ALL these features using simple Windows and Internet browsing skill such as clicking a mouse.
30. If your website, could do anything your wanted it to do, what would that be?