Expert tips for avoiding costly mistakes, e-commerce rip-offs, loss of time and money while putting your business on the Internet.
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You are about to discover a unique, and money-saving strategy from master computer consultant, Daniel Szeremet. Daniel is a computer systems consultant who has worked in the computer industry since 1975.
With over a quarter century of extensive hands-on experience in computer technologies, information systems, computer programming, systems engineering, electronic financial management, global marketing, and a multitude of "E-Systems" he has gained a perspective and experience in a wide range of industries and businesses both on and off the Internet.
In case you don’t know, there is are powerful secrets for putting your business online. These secrets, can be found piece by piece on the Internet like diamonds in the rough. But all too often these secrets are provided piece meal, forcing the Internet searcher, or "data miner" to collect each piece of the puzzle along the way.
I’m sure you are wondering why Mr. Szeremet is offering these secrets. Frankly, it’s because he has reached the conclusion that many people with Web sites have been taken advantage of… and haven’t gotten what they deserve without spending absurd amounts of money to startup and maintain an effective Website.
We will let Mr. Szeremet explain this himself. Below is a personal letter written to clarify this situation.
Paul Block
McAllen, TX
June 16, 2000
Dear Friend,
If you have a business Website, intend to start a business on the web, have ever contemplated doing business on the Internet, or even if you NEVER intend on getting on the Internet, you must have this information. This information basically explains the colossal impact that the Internet is having on our society RIGHT NOW. It also gives information on the elements necessary for success on the Internet.
Undoubtedly, you have heard numerous stories of Internet success, self made millionaires and billionaires who have stepped into opportunities that made them millions. Why? Because they had what it took to succeed on the Internet. They had the idea, they had the technical expertise, they had the resources, they had the tools, and they had the market!
Now There Is An Exciting New Way For YOU To Make Money On The Internet!
The most revolutionary opportunity for doing business since the development of the personal computer. And it’s wide open for savvy people who take advantage of the opportunity RIGHT NOW.
Recent news about business on the Internet.
Plug into the Wealth-Building Power of the Internet-Today!
No Experience Necessary.
The Internet is changing the way the world does business. Huge profits are being made by companies of all sizes. And you can profit from it too. Even if you don’t know the first thing about how the Internet works. Even if you don’t own a computer! You can harness the power of the Internet to make extra revenue. All from the convenience and comfort of your own home or office.
You may already know someone who says their business in "on the Internet". But did you know that over 90% of such web sites are simply "home pages" that never make anyone any money. The only real way to tap the money-making power of the Internet is to develop an "e-commerce capable" website, a site designed to execute transactions and generate profits, immediately
.What if You Don’t Know Anything About Building a Successful Web Site?
This a common problem, even for those who spend hundreds, even thousands on a Website design, only to find that their Web page produces little or no results. Are you likely to get your concept right the first time? Probably not. So what do you do? Throw more money at your Web site designer, and hope his or her concept matches your idea of service?
Be Prepared to Do Everything Yourself!
It is unlikely you will get your web site design perfect the first time. Experimentation and testing are essential to your online business success. Since your website IS your presentation, you will most likely will want changes, at least, until your concept is refined. Once your concept and design has been clarified, you will probably want to keep your web site interesting through updates (as a minimum), or providing online service of a sort.
If you have to wait for your web master or ISP to make changes you will have the following problems:
Where Does Your Website Reside?
This is a very good question! Business owners continue to bounce from web host to web host trying to get the best deal at the lowest prices. Many start with one web host, got poor service or discovered there were getting hit for extra charges they weren’t aware of and even others got poor connection times. There are dozens of reasons people jump from host to host.
First And Foremost, Your Web Host Must Be Reliable.
Battery backup is a minimum requirement so fluctuations on the power source do not randomly crash or reboot your server, especially with power companies that share and transfer power like commodities on a worldwide power grid.
Since natural and man made disasters do occur, a generator backup should also be in place, in the event that a power outage persists for days. After all this is your business we are talking about.
Another thing often overlooked is the geographic location of your server. Does the server reside in an earthquake region? If the area is hit by "The Big One", will your online business go down during the disaster? Possibly forever? What about hurricane regions? Will your server survive a flood?
Is your server sitting in the corner of some ones computer store? Or does it reside in a data center, serviced and maintained by network professions. Does the server monitor itself for anomalies, and alert the technicians by beeper to avoid system downtime?
What about data backup? This should be done daily, as a minimum! You should have a minimum of a T1 connection, preferably multiple Internet connections. In case one goes down, there is automatic routing to another T1 connection.
Your Server Should Be Fast.
Have you ever gone to a website and got a message "Page Not Found", then you try again, a second or third time and finally the page appears. This could be caused by slow servers that become overloaded with tasks. When this happen the server sometimes does not deliver the page your requested, and an error occurs instead.
If this happens to one of your potential customers, you may have just lost a sales opportunity, possibly forever. Unless that customer makes a second, and even a third or fourth attempt to reload your page, you will not be able to share your goods online. Especially if the prospect gets the sense that your page does not exist.
No one visits their home page. Or much worst, once a visitor does visit the Web page, an overload of gratuitous graphics and effects takes so long to load the page, the visitor is driven away before the page can even load. Almost as bad, are Web page that offer very little or nothing to the visitor except to say BUY MY PRODUCT!
Unless a Website is offering something that
puts all the pieces of the Internet puzzle together for you. This applies to all businesses types. It doesn’t matter if you are a selling a product, a service, merchandise, or information. The information applies to all businesses looking for success on the Internet.
You will be saving time and money, avoiding costly and time consuming mistakes and learning secrets others only wish they knew.
Surely you have heard about the huge profits being made on the Internet. Now there’s an exciting new way opportunity. And this opportunity is wide open for savvy people who take advantage of the opportunity RIGHT NOW.
the astonishing size of the Internet has created such a veil of information, it is very hard to find this
With the astonishing size and growth of the Internet, people
Internet profits and
No one visits their home page. Or much worst, once a visitor does visit the Web page, an overload of gratuitous graphics and effects takes so long to load the page, the visitor is driven away before the page can even load. Almost as bad, are Web page that offer very little or nothing to the visitor except to say BUY MY PRODUCT!
Don’t Get Confused About E-Business Solutions
Frequently this information is presented by someone who provides only few pieces of the puzzle,
Too often, a terrible waste of time. An alternative is to hire a "consultant" to throw something together for you; frequently this can be a waste of money.
In 1977, he received a letter of commendation in the Marine Corps for improving technology for the Marine Tactical Air Command Center. In 1979. By 1979, he had established one of the early data communication links between NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratories and Cal Tech University. In the ‘80’s, he was programming airborne data management systems to monitor and collect real-time aircraft data, and to transmitting aircraft reports to ground networks. He has done work for companies in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, The America’s, and companies across the US.
Expert tips for avoiding costly mistakes, e-commerce rip-offs, loss of time and money while putting your business on the Internet.