Day 1: Where to Start
Logging onto Your System, System Overview , Member Tools, Administration Tools, Construction Tools, Online Help, Online Manual, Support, Your Profile, Global Information, Creating Your First Web Page.
Day 2: Registering Your Domain Name
What is a Domain Name? Why Register a Domain Name? Where to register your Domain Name. When to Register! How to Register! How Much? Fresh Lemonade?
Day 3: Building Feature Rich Web Pages
Titles, Text, Tables, Bulleted Text, Graphics, Specials, Mail List, Order Buttons, Site Search, Shopping Cart, Credit Cards, Linking your Pages, Button Builder, Button Bar, Information Requests. Graphics on the Internet. Things to think about.
Day 4: The Power of Email Building Your List, Checking it Twice
Setting up Your First Email Box, Your Email List, Email Default Address, Request Forms and Email, What to do with hundreds of e-mail boxes. Bulk Email and SPAM Whats the difference?
Day 5: E-Commerce "Your Cash Register to the World"
Your Product Catalog., Importing Catalog Items, Downloading Your Catalog. Your Choice: Real Time Transactions vs. Order Retrieval, Merchant Accounts.
Day 6: E-Commerce "Your Bottom Line"
Setting Your Prices, Shipping Rates & Rules, Sales Tax, Regional Settings, Guiding the Ordering Process, Automatic Calculation of Invoices. Merchant Accounts.
Day 7: Your Website!
Making Progress, Where do we go from here? What is Important to You? Giving it Thought. Beyond most Web sites. Your Website Mission. How are you Doing? Let me know.
Day 8: Mark Your Calendar with Sales?
Configuring Your Event Calendar, Adding an Events, Editing Events, Keeping an Active Calendar. Setting Time Limits. Expired Events. Mark You Calendar for savings!
Day 9: What Does The Customer Think?
Your Customers Thoughts, Who wants to know? Thoughts are Things. Running A Moderated Forum. Netiquette.
Day 10: Business Everywhere!
Multiple Dealerships and Branches
Day 11: Counting Success
Website Visitor Statistics. Counters for Everyone! Monthly Count. Daily Hits! Using you Counters to gauge marketing results and promotions.
Day 12: Simple File Management
Uploading Files, Files on the Server, Monitoring and Managing Your Web Space. How is this easier?
Day 13: HTML and Java Script
Basic HTML. Adding your own touch. Advanced Techniques! Java Anyone?
Day 14: Your Advanced Website
Sophistication Built-in! Guru Features at the click of a button. Taking Charge of Your Website!
Day 15: Building Traffic:
Web Site Promotion, Creating multiple "front doors." Tracking Your Submissions.
Day 16: Linking With Others
Trading Links. Requesting Link Trades. Editing Links. Customizable Categories. Hot Link Status!
Day 17: How can I Help?
My Services: Training. Consulting. Web Site Creation and Design, Hosting, Logo and Banner Design, Custom Work. Can I help you?
Day 18: Interesting Internet Facts
Cost Effectiveness! The Internet Explosion. Commerce on the Internet.
Day 19: The Purpose of Your Website
Serving the Purpose! Products, Services, Information, Convenience. Referrals. Affiliate and Associate Programs.
Day 20: Tying It All Together
Integration, Time Saving Power Features, Automated Programming, Easy to Use,
Day 21: Whats Next?
Where do you go from here? My recommendation! Finding Your Bliss Making it Happen!