The song you just heard, is the 3rd song of a trilogy.
While I was living far from Grandma, I met another angel. That angel blessed me.
So I wrote her a song.
She blessed me again.
Weeks later, because I asked, I experienced the most amazing epiphany that changed my life forever.
That's a very short summary.
In my one hour keynote performance, I'll have more time to share a deeper story of an amazing epiphany I experienced years ago.
Plus the curious events and synchronicities that followed!
This epiphany was so profound and life changing, I wrote a 2nd song to document it.
Because I had to share this experience. Because I would like everyone here to have that experience.
At the moment of that awakening, and well beyond, my perception of Divinity changed from understanding to knowing.
It was as if angels were sharing wisdom.
It was as if angels were writing the lyrics.
It was as if that song had been writing me.
That second song became my personal anthem. It reminds me (and informs others) of the steps I took to achieve that awakening, using my gifts.
It even includes a roadmap, so you don't get lost.
Now you might be wondering, how did this man manage to find a roadmap instrumental to his awakening.
That's simple... I found it by heading North!
That's the end of my time.
If you would like to find out more about my keynote performances, master classes and more, please be sure to add your contact information to one of the sign up forms going around.
Thank you for attending.
Have a wonderful rest of your day.
Everyone who knew me, noticed!
Many asked what happened, what had changed.
Those who didn't know me, would ask to join me.
By using the gifts I've been given
I can play that song when I could use a reminder
and remember for myself.
I documented my epiphany in two song, before and after, and I share the story with details of the event.
This song become my personal anthem. I perform it when I want a reminder of what I've learned and experienced. And how I got there!
I documented my epiphany before and after, in two songs and a story of an amazing experience.
Better y
I would like everyone here to experience what I exp
But at the time,
- I didn't feel worthy or adequate
- My home life
Little did I know how true that would become.
I wrote her a song. As always, she blessed me.
That led me to a person epiphany that changed my life forever, in a twinkle of an eye.
In my one hour keynote performance, I share the details of that amazing awakening.
While I was away, I faced challenges at home, that affected my performance at school, my interactions with others and my assessment of myself.
from Grandma, I met another angel.
She always appeared when I least expected. She was friendly, beautiful, even magical.
She did everything right. She was perfect.
Originally I planned on writing her a song to explain my feelings. But I had yet to learn how to write a song, and I did NOT know how to play guitar.
There were too many ways, it seemed like it would not work out, including eternal damnation if I crossed denomination lines from the religion I was planted.
For a variety of reasons, I felt unworthy.
I felt damaged in multiple ways.
I pushed her away.
I regretted that misguided moment.
Now I needed to write a songs to explain myself, and to explain my feelings, and to ask for forgiveness.
There seemed to be no other way except turning to my gift, which has yet to be developed.
There is a whole other story, that I include in my one hour keynote performance, along with the soul searching song I had written for that special angel.
As a result of openness, honesty, and searching for truth, no matter what, I experienced an epiphany in answer to a simple prayer.
I share the description of that epiphany, the event, the bliss, the stream of knowledge that followed, the synchronicities, the super powers and insights.
Many insights appeared in this second song, which was sung by an angel into my ears. It explained everything I needed to know about that story.
And it allows me to share that story of transformation in a manner that can be heard and felt by others.
When I looked back, I realized. These two songs are essentially my personal old testament and personal new testament.
I would like everyone to have this awakening. I even offer a Master Class that can show you the way using your own gifts.
The second song even includes the roadmap I found, by heading North.
That's the end of my time.
Please be sure to enter your contact information on the form being passed around, so I can send you information on my Master Class and future keynote performances.
Thank you for joining me today.
So I can share my results with others!
now I know my way!
I experience as a result, of doing the necessary work
and a second song that
Turns out, I received a gift
a second song emerged
Other phases in life took me away from her neighborhood.
Years passed.
I had always felt a need to explain.
my poorly advised action.
thing, even my poorly advised in a song.
Until I turned to my gift and made that apology in a song
There is a whole story here folks
Years later, she appeared in another place.
I wrote two other songs about an angel, one who appeared
(As you've heard...)
I did not have a traditional childhood.
I lived in 3 different households with 3 different families exposed to 3 different outlooks.
On North Avenue, in my first and last childhood home. Grandma blessed me with acceptance, compassion, encouragement, and direction.
In my second home, I took on a bigger world, with new challenges, adventure, struggle and growth.
I got to know my Dad, in that year and a half we lived on Mineral Street, where I survived the elements.
In my third household, we moved out of the inner-city to the suburban edge of the Milwaukee city limits.
While my world was expanding beyond the reach of city buses, my perspective was narrowing. my vision was diminishing and my outlook was changing.
I felt unloved, sometimes unlovable, often unworthy. In an asocial environment, social advise and guidance was difficult to find at home.
I made more mistakes.
I was loosing direction.
I lost my way.
Then an angel appeared. (True story folks)
She was beautiful in every way.
Every time she appeared, she expressed Love and Joy.
I felt unworthy of such happiness, and pushed her away.
Years later, I caught a very bright glow. My inner voice instantly asked if this was an angel.
It was HER... in another place.
I wanted to explain myself, but in the public social circumstance I was in at the time, I did not approach.
I will never forget how brightly she glowed.
Decades later, I received a last chance to ask for forgiveness and make amends which I did... in a song I wrote to explain.
I received her forgiveness and an unexpected compliment. Then I remembered... she always empowered first.
This time was no exception. I received an ever greater gift, an epiphany!
This awakening opened my eyes, my heart and a connection beyond my five senses. I had tapped into something greater than myself.
I experienced my own Divinity!
Then information started streaming through me like a celestial download, that angel, those encounters, Life, the Universe and the answer to every question I asked.
It was very clear.
I understood what was real
I received so much information in that experience, and in the months that followed. Faith seemed like I no longer felt a need for faith. I
I longer have to rely on understanding or faith. I received ample knowledge
I call this event my Christmas Gift of 1994.
My world turned right-side-up again.
Then I wrote a new song to celebrate my awakening.
Plus, this amazing event needed to be shared in some form.
As I was completing my new song, it occurred to me. I had written a personal old testament and personal new testament.
I share this whole story, in my one hour keynote performance.
I was
In my third household, I lived in a family with a narrow, perspective, asocial tendencies, and bias against others who are different.
I was also receiving ongoing training in a 3rd Christian denomination that denounced other denominations more fervently than they did.
At age 9 thru 13, children are developing social skill and learning to adapt in society. I was concerned if I had landed on the right religion, or was I going to hell.
Trying not to displease God in the way I was more recently taught, was leading to more mistakes.
One day an angel appeared.
I knew she was there to save me.
She even sent others, to check me out.
I must have qualified.
She appeared again and again after that.
And she was always wonderful to me.
However SHE did not belong to my church and I had been warned about fallen angels and the like.
For that reason and other misguided reasons, I did the wrong thing.
I pushed her away.
I broke a heart.
I lost my way.
Soon I would be heading in another direction.
Years later she appeared again.
I was given a chance to apologize.
I wrote a song to explain and confess.
Once again, I was blessed by that angel.
Weeks later, I experienced an epiphany, an awakening that changed me and my world.
You will hear how I got there.
You will hear how got out of that pit.
With a prayer, I was blessed with an epiphany!
My world flipped right side up.
I was no long hanging in there.
I was standing firmly in a new Reality.
Years later, I used my gift of song, to discover and explore my error, to seek forgiveness.
I had lost direction.
I did the wrong thing.
I broke a heart.
An angel appeared again and again.
I knew she was there to save me.
But church had warned me
I met an angel who appeared
and who I should avoid,
I made more mistakes.
I lost direction.
I did the wrong thing.
I broke a heart.
I had met a SECOND angel, and I pushed her away.
From that point my life changed direction. In a very real way... I was lost.
Add a history of training in 3 different church denominations, each denouncing the other as trapdoors into damnation, you have a child who was confused
and you have a child developing
And warning us not to associate with them.
Each of the 3 churches I attended, spoke against other denominations. We were told to avoid those of other denominations, so as not to fall into damnation.
It was not easy
as if they trapdoors to damnation. We were told to avoid those of other denominations.
I could only hope that I landed on the right one.
Learning th
That is the same age range when children typically learn how to adapt socially in society. In this area, advice was hard to find at home.
Like the disagreement between the 3 churches I attended during childhood. Each claimed an excusive path to salvation that excludes the others.
Had I landed on the right path?
I will have more time, to share details, in my one hour keynote concerts.
Years later, I used my gift of song, to discover and explore my error, to seek forgiveness.
In my first song I was searching for the pain, and I found it! It was stuck in the pit of my stomach, and it wasn't going away by itself.
You will hear how I got there.
You will hear how got out of that pit.
With a prayer, I was blessed with an epiphany!
My world flipped right side up.
I was no long hanging in there.
I was standing firmly in a new Reality.
Then I wrote a second song that describes that process of awakening. The second song became my personal anthem. Because it reminds me how I transformed understanding into knowing.
I would like everyone to have that experience.
Because it could change your life, and the lives of those around you. It could change your world.
Together these two songs, literally document a before and after perspective of that epiphany, essentially a personal old testament and a personal new testament.
I even reveal the roadmap I used!
If you are looking for more than a one hour revelation, I also offer a live Master Class, 12 Modules that reveal a bigger map wisdom.
How did I find that roadmap?
I traveled North.
If you would like more information on my keynote concerts, master classes, events and trainings, please be sure to enter your contact information on one of the signup form that's is being circulated around the room.
Thank you for listening.
Have a great day.
I hope I see you
Because I felt unworthy.
Because she went to the "wrong" church.
Because she went to another school.
Interruptions in my living
This gave me a broader range of experience than traditional. Undoubtedly I absorbed a broader range of good and error..
I would like to see everyone here, have the experience that I had. I'll show you how I used my gift to get there.
To find social advise at home, was unlikely. Prior experience recalls reaction, conflicting statements and confusion.
By most measures, my social error was minor. But this error had lasting consequences.
judgement and injustice.
A child typically develops social skills from age 9-13.
During that period of my life, I lived in a household with asocial tendencies, that seemed to lean toward antisocial and reactive.
It was hard to find social advise at home.
I did not feel worthy of forgiveness.
I had already learned to judge myself at least as harshly as the superior at home.
of lasting consequence
Good advise was hard to find.
In ways I became confused and forgot which way is up.
I made my biggest mistakes while living in that household.
The biggest mistake was pushing away Love.
Because I felt too damaged for someone so wonderful.
I developed habits to withhold, react, withdraw or attack.
It seemed nonproductive, even detrimental to receive social advice from aunt or uncle.
Sister was shy and withdraw, brother was mostly away working. He didn't have a girlfriend back then.
My 3 younger cousins, were well below the age of dispensing advice on girls.
So when a beautiful girl
(ages 9 thru 13), I lived in a
that period of home life offered little in social advice.
In that household, spontaneous reactions emerged either to
Withholding react, withdraw or engage
I developed ways to avoid or withstand spontaneous emotional abuse.
I learned how to react, and withhold and withdraw.
During that time, I made what I considered to be my biggest mistake. I broke a heart.
The consequences were life altering.
This person had given me ONLY Love. But I had lost trust in Love and did the wrong thing.
Before I could work out of my issues of guilt, self doubt and fear of potential embarrassment and rejection, I moved miles away.
The abrupt nature of the move, stripped me of my personal belongings, and moved me from the suburbs to the inner city.
At any material cost, I was happy to be home, even if the media referred to home as the "ghetto".
But a new question appeared. Did I have anything to offer to the girl I pushed away?
Besides a sense of guilt and unworthiness. My material wealth was at best, potential.
Distance made it easier to postpone my confession and apology until I worked on myself. In the meantime I directed my attention elsewhere.
Weeks turned into months. Months turned into years. I left the state to join the service.
In addition to my question of worthiness, this raised a new concern: Did I have anything to offer?
Beside potential
While I was happy with the move at any material cost, the increase in distance
proximity to the suburban neighborhood where I once lived.
First I moved to a county orphanage, then to my original neighborhood in the inner city, referred to by media as the "ghetto".
The abrupt move, stripped me of my personal effects, and proximity to my old suburban neighborhood.
Have you ever done that?
Procrastinate because you didn't believe it was possible, or you didn't think, or you weren't enough.
Have you ever done that?
Or is it just me?
I perceived as perfection.
as the "ghetto", by every media, and people I knew.
The process of that move stripped me of all personal effect, except clothing
Before I was able to raise the
From age 9 through 13, I was exposed to a philosophy hovering closely to contempt for society and others.
Age 9 - 13 is also the period referred to as the "Socialization Period", the period when children learn to adapt in society.
I could not agree with many of the societal views rendered at home, so it was difficult to find good advise regarding social situations, opposite sex, etc.
Living in that reactive environment kept me on guard. I did not want to trigger guilt.
Guilt and confusion were already implanted by 3 different churches, where each claiming the exclusive to salvation. Seemed I had at best, a 1 in 3 chance of getting this right.
I didn't even know WHICH way to feel guilty.
So I gleaned advise:
- from TV and movies,
- wayward jokes
- stories from friends,
- songs with insightful lyrics,
- wherever I could.
During that time, I made a mistake. I broke a heart.
The consequences were life altering.
As a shy 12 year old boy, I had promised myself that I would explain my feelings in a song.
I just had to:
- learn how to play the guitar
- lean how to write a song
- regain communication after moving out of the neighborhood, then out of state.
Decades later, I was presented with a final chance to explain, to apologize, and to make amends.
So I wrote that song I promised to write for her one day.
I dug deep, I was searching for the pain, I was seeking bottom.
Then I got stuck... at the bottom.
There is not enough time in this short talk to share the many details of this amazing story.
With a single prayer, I experienced an epiphany, a connection with Divinity, not just an understanding, but a knowingness obtained by the experience.
That experienced flipped my World right side up.
In the twinkle of an eye, I ascended from a pit of hopelessness and despair, to my greatest bliss.
I felt like I was waking on air.
The world was responding with raises, job offers, and opportunities. It become rare NOT to see a smile on a stranger's face.
Out of the blue, random strangers would ask to join me, invite me to lunch, dinner, parties and other functions.
When I asked a question from Higher Power, I was amazed at how quickly I received answers to each request, often within the same day.
The longest I recall waiting for any response was a week.
And the amazing events and the synchronicities that followed, simply blew my mind.
Shortly after my epiphany, I thought about an former coworker and friend, Rod Santiago.
I had just returned from an amazing business trip to his home country and I wanted to tell Rod all about it.
This would seem unlikely, however. Because both Rod and I left that company. And Rod moved across the country to the East Coast somewhere.
I wished I had a chance to share that story with him.
A week later, I was sent across the country, on a business trip to New York.
As I made my way through the bustling crowd just blocks from Times Square, I heard my name.
It was my former co-worker and friend Rod Santiago, calling to me. So I was able to share that adventure with that old friend.
This was only one of many synchronicities, I received.
During this time, I was also received a continual stream of information and knowledge.
Some of which I wrote down in a new song that shares the same story from a higher perspective,
Literally, in two songs, I created a personal old testament and personal new testament.
I share this story in my full keynote concert, because I would like you to have this same experience as well.
If everyone could experience an awakening like that, our whole World would experience enlightenment at a whole new level.
I even have the roadmap illustrating the path I took.
How did I find this roadmap?
How did I arrive at that miraculous breakthrough?
Which direction should I go?
When I saw the map, the answer became obvious.
Head in the direction of "North".
I explain all this in my Keynote Concert. So please be sure write to write your name and email on the form that is being passed around.
In addition to my Keynote Concerts, I also offer a live Master Class where I share a much larger map, that guides you to even greater levels of understanding.
So before you leave, please be sure to enter your name on the form being passed around.
If you enter your contact information in our system within the next 10 minutes, you will also be entered into a drawing for a mini-vacation of your choice.
Have a wonderful day. I hope to see you on in the Master Class.
from ages 9 - 13, it was difficult to find useful social advise.
the period children typically develop social skills
referred to as the socialization
It was easier to pick up
a period children usually learn socialization skills, between ages 9 - 13
I made my biggest mistakes
It this household if was difficult to find useful advice for
I had learned Christianity from three different denominations.
- Each church claimed exclusive access to salvation, with dire consequences otherwise.
- So it seemed, I had a 1 in 3 chance of salvation, assuming any of these 3 were the correct choice.
Sometimes I felt sorry for my aunt. I wondered what had happened in her life that led to such reactions.
I guessed her childhood was at least as harsh as her lectures, reprimands and outlook.
- I had lived in 3 different households, experiencing 3 different families
- So I had some sense of what works, and what doesn't work.
- Avoiding triggers seemed like the best strategy for avoiding reactions.
- Avoiding reactions seemed like the best strategy for avoiding triggers.