EZ-Net Systems™ Makes E-Commerce Easy!

With EZ-Net Systems™, you command EZ-Net Tools™ using point-and-click technology throughout. So your feature rich website and "cash register to the world" will be up and running quickly, easily and affordably.

EZ-Net Tools™ Includes:

EZ-Page Builder™ - Unlimited possibilities for online Web site design.
EZ-Calendar™ - Date and time calendar removes expired events automatically.
EZ-Directory™ - NEW FEATURE! Online business directory.
EZ-Mailing List™ - Automated email entry form, database, bulk email.
EZ-Bulletin Board™ - Moderated Forum (posts are approved by you).
EZ-Find Dealer/Location™ - Quickly lead customers to multiple dealer information.
EZ-Catalog™ - Search catalog by as many as 10 different criteria.
EZ-Order™ - Secure online order processing calulates tax, shipping and totals.
EZ-Submit™ - Submit pages to Top 10 Search Engines. Track submissions.
EZ-Link Trader™ - Automates link trade requests, follow up and hotlink setup.
EZ-Counter™ - Automatic counters report daily and monthly hits on every page.
EZ-Online Mail™ - 200 Email Accounts (POP-3 and Online Email Access)
EZ-File Manager™ - Upload, copy, move, rename, password protect and more!
EZ-Shopping Cart™ - Provides shopping convenience and fast checkout.
EZ-Net Tools™ Quick Start Guide - Online guide shows you how to get started FAST!
EZ-Net Tools™ Online Help System - Get fast answers with click of a mouse.
Order Buttons
Website Search
Administrative Tools
Global Information
Domain Name Hosting
First 50 MB of Web Space - FREE!
Stock Graphics
Stock Backgrounds
Stock Buttons
Banners for Specials
Auto Save - No FTP!
Secure Server
3-Way Encryption
Quick Start Guide
Online Help System
Technical Support by phone and email.
Over 350 Programs
New Features added regularly.
Ongoing upgrades... and more!

UNLIMITED - Great for Growing Businesses!

SCALABLE SYSTEM (means it grows with you), allows you to expand your online business without having to change plans. You don't even have to contact us. If you expand beyond the FREE WEB STORAGE, we automatically will charge for additional webspace usage per MB.

50MB is alot of space!. Why pay for space you don't need? Get features and functions instead. If you've grown beyond this FREE HOSTING allocation, you probably have an incredibly successful website business. So enjoy the victory!

Remember - You Are Not Alone

If you've gotten to this point by yourself, you already have the skills to create your own powerful e-commerce website. If you want answers, you can access our online help system, quick start guide, newsletters and other resources. Plus live technical support is available by phone and email.

Optionally you can also get:

            1. Live Training, Mentoring and Consulting.
            2. Professional Website Setup and Development Services.
            3. Professional Banner Design Services.
            4. Logo Design.
            5. Online Advertising.
            6. Merchant Accounts.
            7. Ad Copy Development.

EZ-Net Systems™ - EMPOWERS YOU!

If you ORDER TODAY you will also receive the following bonuses items:

FREE BONUS #1: eBook: How to Start Your Own Traffic Virus - "The Web Expert's Secret Formula to Never Losing Money on Web Advertising". Find out how you can generate your own website traffic without spending a penny on Internet advertising. Leverage your marketing effort by riding on the back of talented Internet expert and author who wants you to use his hard work to be successful on the Net. ($40 Value!)

FREE BONUS #2: eBook: Web Gold - "Internet Marketing Information You Can Learn From, Pass On, Post to Your Site, or Use in Your Own newsletters..." Now that you are getting a fantastic website, you can get strategies, ideas, even content for your website. Just the articles on email follow-up are worth their weight in gold ("the gold is in the follow-up"). Use EZ-Mail List™ to follow up by customer interest. ($40 Value!)

FREE BONUS #3: eBook: 101 High Profit Businesses You Can Start Online WIth Little or NO Money - 101 of the best Internet marketing ideas, tips, and suggestions put together in one package. Ideas you can use whether you are a beginner or already have a successful business or website. Includes profit models, ideas for creating multiple income streams, plus "nuggets" of profits and information that will work in any business. ($40 Value!)

FREE BONUS #4: EZ-Net Advantage is our monthly newsletter desired specifically for Web masters using EZ-Net Tools. This beautitully designed e-zine shares design tips, promotional ideas, and valuable information to help you become even more successful with EZ-Net Systems  Best of all you can access our magazine right online! So whenever you want to refer to information, it's there for you. (New!)

Remarkable profits and DREAMS ARE BEING REALIZED ON THE INTERNET. This powerful technology is now available to you.



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