How To Create and Operate An E-Commerce Website


Website Included!
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21 Day Program - How To Put Your Business On The Internet

In Days! - Not Months!

Save Time - Save Money - Gain Insight - Be Self Reliant - Increase Profits


Designed to SAVE MONEY

HANDS-ON Course Worth Thousands of Dollars and Years of Benefits

Things You Will Learn

Web Page Creation, E-Commerce, Hosting, Web Site Promotion

Page Building – Calendar – Mail List – Bulletin Board – Site Search - Shopping Cart
Order Form – Catalog – Request Forms – Statistical Hit Counters
Automated Link Trader - Internet Marketing Tips
and more…


Designed to MAKE MONEY



Easy to Use – Seamless Integration – Online Manual – Help System – 350 Programs

Technical Support – Data Backed Daily – Battery Backed – Generator Backed

High Speed – Highly Reliable - Multiple Internet Connections

200 Email Addresses - Upgrading to Fiber Optics

and more…

Week 1 ……… Create A Commercial Website.

Week 2 ……… Provide Online Products and Services.

Week 3 ……… Build Website Traffic.

Week 4 ……… You Decide!

One Cost

Graduates Receive Discounts


Timing is Right Now!

Year 2000: 1 in 10 Businesses have Web sites on the Internet.

Year 2002 (estimate): 9 in 10 Businesses will have Web sites on the Internet.

Why the Rush?

Domain names are going fast! Help visitors find your website, by having a meaningful domain name. This is one of the first services your website should provide. Hurry!

And the Winner Is…

The one who provides the best service – Now!

Get the Best Service

Many web sites are little more than text, graphics and hyper-links that give little reason for your customers to return.

Give your customers convenient reasons and incentives to return to your site and purchase from you. Give yourself a Feature Rich Integrated Website – designed to provide service to you and your customer. Well Served Customers Return!

Why A Website?!?!?

Because… A Website:

Provides Service!

Makes Ideas Tangible!

Demonstrates Your Business!

Communicates Your Message!

Inspires Customer Loyalty

Makes Sales!

Customers Return to Service

Why learn THIS system?

    • Save Money! – Don’t pay for something you can do yourself.
    • Save Time! - Don’t wait on others!
    • Easy to Understand System
    • Advanced Features with a Click of the Mouse
    • Understand the Internet – Inside and Out!
    • Insider Information
    • Manage Your Online Business from almost Anywhere on the Internet.
    • Make Money! (Even if you don’t have a website.)
Strategic Partner

These Web Sites are Designed to MAKE MONEY!

How does this fit into YOUR design?

My Commitment to You - By Enrolling you will receive "Password Access" to:

  • Seamlessly Integrated Website System – HOSTWARE!
  • 21 Day Training Program – Email Guidance to Web Success!
  • Single Easy-to-Use Interface commands over 350 Programs…
  • Includes: Help System!
  • Includes: Online Manual.
  • Includes: Tech Support by phone or email
  • Bonus!…. MAKE MONEY - WEBSITE…or NOT!

I’ll Show You How!

Think About Your Business - Not Technology

Integration Makes it Easy

Your Commitment

Learning is a process that rewards us proportionately to our involvement. Simply said - The more you put into it….. the more you get out!

21 Days!

I ask you to make a commitment of no less that a half hour (more if you want) for 21 Days! In 3 weeks, you will receive a course in website design that you can study from almost anywhere on the World Wide Web – even from someone else’s computer.


As a participant of this course, you will have PASSWORD ACCESS to a FULLY INTEGRATED INTERNET WEBSITE.

Access behind the seen Website Features from your work or business, …from your home, …from a friend’s house, … from virtually anywhere you have browser access to the World Wide Web.

Virtual Access to your Virtual Domain, Virtually Anywhere, Anytime.


Integration provides a consistent easy-to-use interface, and provides access …globally!

Real Time Access is Real Advantage in Real World Situations

Access advanced features, "the fun stuff"… using basic skills you already know.

Put Your Genius To Work Right Away

Add Site Search, or Catalog Search…. how about setting up a "keyword" that leads buyers to additional incentives or …surprises!

When the Idea is Hot

How about posting a Internet Sale to your Event Calendar. Set your event to disappear on a specified date automatically. Tell your customer, when the event disappears, the sale disappears. Add urgency to your offer!

When YOU Have the Advantage

A Useful Website Encourages Your Customers to Return. Encourage Your Customers to Buy....... Make it Fun....... Make it Profitable!

Spontaneous Posting

Can be fun!

Operate Your Website

On Impulse!

Spontaneous postings to the Internet can result in awkward and embarrassing moments depending on Impulse.

If your IMPULSE is to MAKE MONEY… Use "Your Cash Register to the World" to…


It’s Easy with EZWebSz

(Pronounced "Easy Webs")


Option 1 - Typical Approach

Access your data and tools on one computer (this computer has sometimes been referred to as "the other computer", or "being used right now", or "crashed last week".

After you make the changes on that computer, you upload your data from your computer onto another computer (Internet Host) that provides disk space on the Internet. This process can be repeated… over and over again… even for minor changes and touch-ups. This keeps people up past their bedtimes… I know!

What we might not know…. is whether the data generated from your web page software is fully compatible… or not… with your host’s software extensions, utilities, CGI, API’s, or a lot of other "stuff" that computer junkies thrive on…

  • "Stuff" that makes website features inoperative (like your page counter, or your catalog);
  • "Stuff" that leads to incompatibilities when upgrading multiple products;
  • "Stuff" that fails when you least expect it. (Isn’t that what causes it in the first place?)
  • "Stuff" that interrupts your busy schedule, costing you more time and money;
  • "Stuff" that interferes with your goals;
  • "Stuff" that can cause you pain!

Configuring a variety of software and hardware components can lead to a variety of potential problems both immediate and long term. Just upgrading one of the components (on your side or the host side) could result in down time. If a new prospect arrives to a down or disfunctional website, they might think your business is not online, ...or not taken seriously. Did you give the prospect reason to return? Reliability should be no less than Mission Critical.

"Anything that can go wrong…"

Option 2 – Hire Consultant Y

This is where you pay someone else to learn this lesson for you. But hey! Your consultant can’t be responsible for everything! If they claim everything, ...maybe they should.

Option 3 – Hire Expert Z

Experts are specialists. One might design a cool page, but doesn’t recommend a compatible host for best functionality, …much less your commercial needs. Features and functions are often "out of their department".

…Before I go on…


I am trying to share an important concept that can be difficult to fully comprehend in the first sitting. Essentially there are so many features on this system, and so much to offer, I DO NOT WANT TO OVERLOAD YOU WITH INFORMATION, yet I WANT YOU TO MAKE AN INFORMED DECISION. So to…

Overcome Information Overload

Consider the opinion of a man with:

25 Years Profession Computer Experience

Digital Electronics – Programming - Database Administration

Systems Engineering - Networking – Integration

Manufacturing – Legal – Medical - Aircraft

Financial Management – Accounting

Global Marketing - Training

Website Development


This is not an accumulation of 10 guys with two and half years experience, or the age of your "consultant". This is a quarter century of professional computer experience that I personally possess. If you count home and hobby …DOUBLE THAT.

You Can Benefit From My Experience

These Organizations Have:

Bank of America Auto Club of Southern California
Prentice Hall Foster Wheeler
British Airways Union Camp
QANTAS Stanley Tool
San Miguel Home Savings of America
Litton Guidance & Controls Blue Cross of California
Litton Canada Dynamic Sciences
New Mexico Water & Power Raytheon
The Prudential Insurance Company Teledyne Systems
Hon Industries Teledyne Controls
United Airlines Farmers Insurance
Delta Airlines AT&T
Scandinavian Air System Necochea (Mexico)
Malasian Airlines Vencor
Mitsubishi International Mitratech
Jet Propulsion Laboratories United State Marine Corps


What People Are Saying About the Training?


            - Larry, California


            - Linda, Wisconsin

"Imagination is the best thing …. to actually use it! "

            - Alex, Texas

I Help Others Grow and Succeed

Don’t forget to Bookmark This Page.


Companies, like the ones above, pay $1000 - $1500 per day, for services I provide.

You Risk Less Than $150



Experience Integration

First Hand

With PASSWORD ACCESS to a WEBSITE dedicated to your learning and scrutiny. Over a 21 Day Period, you will receive Email Guidance worth thousands of dollars, plus an online help system, online manual and technical support by e-mail or phone.

What I am offering is…





21 Days Access


Real E-Commerce Website

Designed to Make Money

Do your "due diligence" to find out if this system meets your needs, instead of paying top dollar for someone to… "play with it".

Gain a significant understanding of the Internet, and of your potential website design (or re-design), as you receive a daily guide that helps you succeed.

Study, review, compare, and demo this system. Once you UNDERSTAND YOUR OPTIONS, YOU'LL KNOW WHAT YOU WANT. What is best for you.

Develop a Powerful and Versatile Web Presence!

First Hand Knowledge is Valuable

Consulting Firms charge hundreds and thousands of dollars to REPORT on features that you can now Learn First Hand. Develop online skills and awareness to help you make the right decision.

Don’t "Take An Educated Guess" - FIND OUT!
