FLASH - Today's Deal!
I know you are a busy, and I know you were just about to make your order for the 21 Day Training System. I apologize for the interruption. I'll make this quick.

After you've completed the 21 Day Training System, you may wish to work with your website further to get the most benefit from your training experience. The ideal time to test your idea, test your market, and refine your strategy is right after training.

That's why you can get an ADDITIONAL NINE (9) DAYS HOSTING - FREE when you order FIRST MONTH HOSTING.

FIRST MONTH HOSTING (Optional) allows course participants to extend their learning experience. Hosting covers a month of Internet hosting after the 21 day training. Hosting pays for hardware, software, systems, database, staff, data backups, battery backups, generator backups, and things necessary for running an FULLY INTEGRATED WEBSITE in a highly reliable and economical manner. These are thing you don't have to do.

This is NOT a template, "Junior Version", "Special Edition", "Starter Kit", or any kind of "Bronze", "Silver', "Gold", or whatever name has been applied to the feature restrictions of others.

At EZWebSz, you have access to all features of your website, and there are no hidden charges. Enjoy the power of 350 programs harnessed in one easy-to-use interface that lets you focus on the important things, instead of technology. (That's done for you by professionals.)

Instead of trying to translate your ideas to someone else, how about putting your website design right into your website. Easy-to-use interface lets you command powerful website features with browser and security.

All the major pieces of the Internet puzzle are included in this solution: Web Page Creation, Hosting, E-Commerce, and Web Site Promotion! Plus: Online Help, Online Manual, and Tech Support by phone or email. Receive even more value as new features and improvements appear transparently on your website. Time savings, ease-of-use, and fully integrated features provide such value, you might think this is underpriced.

If you are happy with my services, please let me know. And please let others know. Join my affiliate program and learn how you can get your next month hosting FREE, and how to get every month FREE. Better yet, how to EARN EXTRA MONEY with very little work. (Or... If you are not happy with my services, then please let me know; I appreciate all feedback.)

I want my customers to be even happier. That's why I provide professional service, incentives and a state-of-the-art website that integrates quality and value into your business.

Turnkey System
Works Right Away!

With course knowledge fresh in your mind, you can immediately APPLY YOUR NEW FOUND SKILLS to the "REAL WORLD". HERE IS YOUR CHANCE to BE PREPARED for the FASTEST MOVING TREND IN HISTORY. Put your training to IMMEDIATE USE. You will have the training (and hindsight) to effectively master your website:

  • Test Your Ideas.
  • Test Your Market.
  • Find out WHAT WORKS
  • Find out WHAT DOESN"T
  • Learn from EXPERIENCE.
  • Consider WHAT'S NEXT?

Receive an ADDITIONAL NINE (9) DAYS - FREE! Order FIRST MONTH HOSTING with this course and receive FREE - NINE (9) ADDITIONAL DAYS. This expands your 21 Day Hostware Access to a TOTAL OF TWO MONTHS! (Non-recurring). Limited Time! Don't miss the savings. Order FIRST MONTH HOSTING with the TRAINING!

You will be given an opportunity (no obligation) to continue your stay on a month-to-month basis with cost effective and affordable MONTHLY HOSTING. Enjoy the same practical and innovatice features as provided in TRAINING and FIRST MONTH HOSTING. Features like these:

EZ-Page Builder™ EZ-Counter™
EZ-Calendar™ EZ-Order/Shopping Cart™
EZ-Mailing List™ EZ-Catalog™
EZ-Bulletin Board™ 50MB Web Site Hosting*

*Web space exceeding 50MB will be billed an additional $2 per month per MB.

A reasonable estimate of space used for the average e-commerce website is about 5MB. With EZWebSz you get 50MB - 10 times the average usage. In other words, 50MB should be ample space for most e-commerce applications. (This system reports it's space usage.)

50MB holds 1,618 pages the size of this document. Depending on your e-commerce needs, the 50MB question probably relates more to the number of catalog items you can store. Since catalog records are not likely to exceed this document size, you can get a sense of how many catalog items you could make available on your website, before expanding beyond the 50MB line. (This is NOT a limit).

Actually, Catalog PICTURES are more likely to effect storage usage. Just like the design graphics on a web page, catalog pictures should be sized for both loading speed and storage economy. The course shares a number ways to optimize your pictures for storage economy and quality.

HINT: Use the Catalog Import Utility to upload catalog items to your website database from a spreadsheet or database on your computer. Use the built-in pie graph, percentage readout, and disk space usage numbers on your website to determine your actual usage.

Why pay for more space than you need? If your website is growing beyond 50MB, it could be your business is growing. EZWebSz lets you expand your e-business to UNLIMITED*

UNLIMITED - Great for Growing Businesses!

As more and more people experience the useful online services being offered today, more and more people are expecting online service. Give them a powerful and secure system that makes their lives easier and improves your goodwill! Boost you bottom line; provide service people expect!.


A WEBSITE IS KEY TO INTERNET SUCCESS. Unlock profit making "secrets", with an elegant, practical and affordable INTEGRATED WEBSITE YOU CAN MASTER.

To Purchase Training System, Select the Following on the Order Form (Next Page):

             501 - Enrollment Fee ..........................................$149.95

             502 - Tuition..........................................................  99.95

             503 - First Month Hosting (Optional)......................  99.95 (Optional)

ADD FIRST MONTH HOSTING and get NINE (9) FREE DAYS! - $99.95 ($130 Value)

Enrollment, Tuition and First Month Hosting are non-recurring charges.

Order on Secure Server

Online Checks Accepted
Visa, Mastercard, American Express Accepted

FIRST MONTH HOSTING and MONTHLY HOSTING is offered to course participants who wish to operate their website beyond the 21 Day Training Period. Month-to-month Hosting is available by ordering MONTHLY HOSTING (monthly recurring).

Order on Secure Server


It took RADIO 30 YEARS TO REACH 50 MILLION listeners. It took TELEVISION 25 YEARS TO REACH 50 MILLION viewers.It took the INTERNET 3.5 (THREE and a HALF) YEARS TO REACH 50 MILLION subscribers.

Internet Population Growing At Astounding Rate!

The INTERNET is a tremendous innovation that is practical, lowcost, and preferred by those with the most disposable income. Internet usage is shooting upwards like a skyrocket!

The Internet Population nearing 180 Million
(Source - Global Reach)

Number of Businesses Selling On the Web (Source Keenan Vision):
1998 - 17,500
1999 - 45,000
2001 - 215,000 (projected)
2003 - 400,000 (projected)

"INTERNET WILL BE AS VITAL AS AIR" - Entrepreneur Magazine

Discover "The Money Making Side" of the Internet - the single most promising and profitable invention of mankind. Get the competitive edge with this elegant and innovative, cost cutting system that is superior, and more powerful than separate pieces of hardware, software and code found in other systems.

Internet shopping - a force no business can afford to ignore.

Slash costs and explode profits with a comprehesive and affordable profit making machine You don't have to be a skillful computer specialist to command programming power deliverered in superb hostware.

"If your business is not on the net, you are losing business." - Bill Gates

Add FIRST MONTH HOSTING to receive an extra month, PLUS NINE (9) FREE DAYS. This expands your 21 day access to a TOTAL OF TWO FULL MONTHS, and expands your possibilities.

