EZ-Net Systems - 21 Day Web Master Training    


Congratulations for taking the first step towards Internet success. As a course
participant you will be learning about e-commerce website development and
Internet Marketing.

The intent of this e-course is to provide useful information and tips to help you
successfully develop an e-commerce website, to learn ways to maximize your
penetration in the Internet market. and to present and develop a viable presence
on the Internet. As part of your training you will receive access to a fully
integrated e-commerce website on which to practice concepts presented in this

In the past, one needed significant technical "know-how" (or a hefty budget)
to go e-commerce. With this system, "know-how" is built-in, so you can put
your ideas into practice without the technical and operation hurdles one gets
when working with multiple products and service providers.

The major pieces are put together for you - even training! You will learn how
to setup and program an e-commerce website using browser skills you already
know. Now you can get started on an e-commerce website system that you
control on-line. Or train a trusted assistant be your webmaster.

YES! It’s that Easy! ...And Effective!

Since this system and course is designed for website merchants, rather than
computer experts, you have a variety of low cost options for managing your
business website.

Even new staff can be brought up to speed quickly and efficiently with this
integrated system and training combination. Use the money you save for more
important things!

If you are looking to earn addition income, this system will show you ways to
help others get their business online, and earn extra monthly income with little
or no work on your part. If you would like more information on EZ-Net Systems
affiliate program go to...


Since websites still need to be developed, those who aspire to design websites
could apply skills from this course to earn addition income along with your
affiliate earnings. Offer to do setup and future changes for your client. Set your
own fees.

By the time you learn this system you should realize that EZ-Net Systems represents
a solid and proven system that you can confidently recommend. You would be
doing a service for a friend or associate to recommend this system, and earn a
referral fee for sharing good information.

The tremendous BOOM of the Internet is offering tremendous opportunity.
Startup costs for typical e-commerce websites start at around $2000. Most of
this is spent on (advice and expert skills). With EZ-Net Systems training, you could
become the expert and collect your share of this amazing growth and retain
ongoing affifliate earnings for months and years to come.

        Earn an income as a professional website designer!

This is not a technical course. This is an opportunity to gain executive knowledge
of Internet commerce, essentially the knowledge it takes to execute an idea and
reach an objective in cyberspace.

The thrust of these Web-Lessons is to provide ideas for using website features
productively and profitably. Procedural information will usually be provided via
hyper-link reference to the integrated help system according to the subject at

I recognize that marketing strategies and approaches vary according to
industry and product, so I will focus mostly on tips and techniques that are
unique to Internet trade.

Signing up for this course demonstrates that you already possess
skills necessary to learn this system.

Ultimately the design and success of your website is up to you. This training will
provide functional design advice, and provide tips on effective Internet marketing.
As you learn, your website design will evolve on the Internet. From virtually any
where one the World Wide Web you can create and fine tune your design.

When your website is ready, use built-in site promotion tools to expand the reach
of your website, and register your website pages with the top 10 search engines.
Then use the built-in link trading tool to automate link trade requests with other web
sites. You will be presented with more ways to draw visitors to your website.

Add your creativity, service, merchandise, goals and aspirations, and you could
be developing your own success along with valuable web master skills. This
training will introduce your to creative ways for introducing your business,
products, ideas and style to the world.

The Internet is radically changing the way we interact and do business. It is even
altering the power structures in our society. Some believe, the BOOM we are
experiencing is a WARNING SHOT. As a participant in this course you are
getting a head start on the BIGGER BOOM YET TO COME. Estimate

The planet is literally being wrapped with Internet technology. This is where
people are going at record speed. It is better to get in sooner than later,
because not only do you have more time to prepare for bigger growth
predicted to come, but since a website does develop over time, you have the
chance to be prepared before others. This is an investment that can pay off in
a big way.

As a participant in this course, you will be receive hands-on training with
on-hand information that can be put to use on this Fully Integrated Website.
As you progress through the course, you are likely to gain a more
sophisticated understanding of the Internet world we live in.

Techniques covered in this course are being used right now to generate
hundreds of thousands of dollars even millions for knowledgeble individuals
and organizations. It’s happened before, it’s happening now, and IT WILL

COURSE OVERVIEW                                                                                  
With a single user interface (Internet browser v.4 or greater), you command a
powerful integrated website system using simple point-and-click controls. Once
you’ve learned how to operate one part of the system (point, click, enter text),
you automatically will know how to operate other features (point, click, enter

Since the system setup is intuitive and step by step, there is little need to provide
schooling in the obvious procedural sense. Instead the 21 Day Training will
provide business advice regarding the lesson of the day. This advice could be
specific - like what you might enter in a form field to get a desired results, but
mostly information and ideas regarding effective application of your
commercial website to enhance your Web presence.

Information regarding operational procedures like how to setup a specific detail
item will usually be presented as a hyperlink to the integrated help system. For
example, if you needed information on Merchant Accounts - Click Here

If you already have an Internet Merchant Account (or a local merchant account
that lets you accept online orders), you could be taking credit cards online the
first day. However make sure you follow the numeric order of the lessons to
ensure your work progresses in the best way.

With 21 Lessons and 21 Day Website Access, budget about one lesson per
day, and at least a half hour per day. There may be cases where a lesson may
not apply to you. For example, if you have only one office, the branch and
dealership locator feature may not be so useful to you. So after you read the
lesson, and tried a few examples on your website, feel free to move into the
next lesson or review a prior one.

The 7th, 14th, and 21st lessons are more relaxed in nature to give you some
rest at the end of a week's study, and to let you step back from your work for
a while, as I present ideas you may find useful for accomplishing some of your
goals. These are great days to reflect on what you really want.

1. RETURN YOUR WEBSITE - If you don't want to keep the website, your
website will be deactivated, and you walk away with knowledge and hands-on
experience that will be useful in the future. Put yourself ahead of the curve.

under my referral program. Anyone can join my affiliate program;
however, Course Participants earn referral fees for as long their
referred customers are hosted with EZ-Net Systems.

2. FIND A HOME FOR YOUR WEBSITE - As you learn I recommend
you show others your design. Many people are interested in putting their
business on the Internet, but many have barriers to starting a website for their
business. Now you can offer someone you know a powerful, yet cost effective
system that you have scrutinized, developed and understand. Here is how you
can benefit:

If your work is good, you could negotiate a respectable fee for
work you've accomplished during the course
. Generate a little
interest in your website, and you could recover the cost of your course,
even double, triple, quadruple your return, maybe more. Especially
since your website cost is only a fraction compared to typical websites

Even if you gave the website to someone, as an affiliate and
course participant, the 10% Referral Fee on TRAINING and
HOSTING could pay for your tuition within 10 months. Then for as
long as your customer referral is hosted at EZ-Net Systems, you earn a fee.

3. KEEP YOUR WEBSITE - If you are looking for a solid transactional
website system
, EZ-Net Systems provides a mature platform and development
system that YOU can control to perfect and promote your website.

If you haven't already FALLEN IN LOVE with me by now, you just
might after you realize that Course Participants (who join the FREE
affiliate program) can also enjoy a 10% discount on their own
website too!

this course will help you GET IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME.

LOGGING INTO YOUR SYSTEM                                                             
After you purchase the course, a user name and password will be emailed to
you with instructions on where and how to log into your website. Once you've
logged into the website, a setup wizard (software to guide initial setup), will lead
you through a simple setup process. After you've accomplished your initial login,
the "Member Tools" (Main Menu) will appear.

MEMBER TOOLS - MAIN MENU                                                             
When you login next time (assuming you've completed the initial login), you will
go directly to the "Member Tools", also referred to as the "Main Menu" (Through
out the system there are return links labeled "Main Menu" that will bring you back
to "Member Tools" page.)

The Member Tools provides top level access to your tool groups:

Each section contains a list box of top level tools, links to Internet reference
sites, and a text and button link to online help. At the top of the "Main Menu",
there are hyper-links to the User’s Manual and Tech Support.

To operate the tools in the list box,

    1. Click on the list box to open box.
    2. Select item in list box.
    3. Click on "Go!" button to active that feature.

I will cover the details of the tools as they become pertinent to the particular
subject of the day. If you want to do research on your own (recommended),
you can access the online Help or Users’ Manual for additional information.

ADMINISTRATIVE TOOLS                                                                       
Administrative Tools provide access mostly to website setup information and
operational tools for retrieving orders, checking statistics, sending bulk email,
reading online email, and other controls. Today we will cover Edit Member
and View Web Page.

CONSTRUCTION TOOLS                                                                            
These are the tools for creating web pages, setting up your catalog, order form,
calendar, bulletin board, mailing list, statistical counters, and other features of
your website. Today we will cover Edit Global Information and take our first
look at EZ-Page Builder.

PROMOTIONAL TOOLS                                                                              
These features help you submit your web pages to popular search engines, and
to initiate link trades with other web sites. These features come into play after
you’ve created your website.

USER'S MANUAL                                                                                          
The User's Manual provides an online reference to the features and operation of
your website. Most pages have hyperlink cross references to pertinent help
areas, some with diagrams of menus that can be clicked for addition information.
Currently the manual contains 31 Sections.

ONLINE HELP                                                                                                
If you would like to learn more about a particular area, click on the buttons
marked "help" or "?", for more help. This provides hyperlink reference to the
pertinent sections of the user's manual. I recommend getting comfortable with
the online help system early. It will answer alot of question for you quickly as
you move through the system. This course also links to the help system for
for detail information. (Why re-invent the wheel.)

Take some time to check out the online manual early in your training. The sooner
you are familiar with the online manual, the sooner you will realize its benefits
during the training.

DOWNLOAD USER'S MANUAL                                                               
There is downloadable version of the manual,
which can be downloaded for
local access by clicking on "Download User’s Manual" beneath the "Member
Tools" title. Follow the 3 steps for downloading the Instruction Manual.

The download version of the User's Manual requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.
If you don’t have Adobe Acrobat Reader, or would like to download the latest
version, Step 2 provides a link for downloading the reader. The manual is stored
in the Portable Document Format (*.pdf). Adobe Acrobat Reader allows you to
read the Portable Document Format (PDF).

Hyper-link navigation is available only in the online version of the manual.

In the upper right, a hyper-link leads you to technical support. This is where you
will find telephone and email information and instructions for contacting technical
support by either phone or email.

EDIT MEMBER PROFILE                                                                           
During your first login, the setup wizard prompted you for information (like your
company name, address, email, phone numbers and such). The information you
entered appears under "Administrative Tools" in "Edit Member Profile". You can
enter "Edit Member Profile" to view or change your profile information.

EDIT GLOBAL INFORMATION                                                                
Edit Global Information
(under Construction Tools), allows you to configure
items that are seen on all your web pages. Here are some recommendations:

Tip: If you are good with graphic tools (like Microsoft
Image Composer or Ulead Photo Impact) you might
want to create a simple logo for practice purposes. Or
how about asking a local business owner to try their logo
on your website to see how it might look. This could
generate some interest in your website, maybe enough to
for that business to consider getting the website for them-
selves, while you earn income for the referral under my
affiliate program. This is one approach for generating a
potential source of income. You could even offer
occassional updates or monthly service to your "client".

If you've made changes in Edit Global Configuration, make sure to click on
"Submit" to save your changes. After you've done some web page setup, try
coming back to Edit Global Configuration to see how changes to Global
Information effect the presentation of your web pages.

CREATING YOUR FIRST WEB PAGE                                                     
Once you are in EZ-Page Builder, you should be presented with a page with
setup instructions. Follow the instructions given on the screen. Start out with a
'Title Block' for your page.

Hint: Practice using the online manual to research block features.
Open a second browser window, log in to your website "Member
Tools" on the second browser also. Access your online manual
from the other browser, the editing tools from the first browser,
and this information in another browser. Use the Alt-Tab keys to
rotate between these windows. (Check you computer manual for
more information on Alt-Tab).


Tomorrow: Lesson 2: Domain Names

QUOTE: We are at the beginning of a new way of working, shopping,
                 playing and communicating.
                                                                                    - Newsweek

EZ-Net Systems


© Copyright 2000 Daniel Szeremet. All Rights Reserved